
Molly Fumia attended Santa Clara University and The Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. She is a seventh generation native Californian. She married into an Italian family of fruit farmers and has six children.

Molly lives in Los Gatos, California, a predominantly white upper middle-class community, which presented a parenting challenge. Her husband, Chuck, instilled in them an appreciation of the Mexican employees in their packing house and in orchards, and several of their children practiced their Spanish while working alongside them. Molly organized a program for high school students to travel to El Salvador, not to build houses (which is commendable), but to walk the poor and listen, and made seven trips herself.

She served on a national Anti-Racism team, where she learned to listen quietly to people of color. One of her books, HONOR THY CHILDREN, deals with racism, homophobia and AIDS.

While she was getting her masters, she met and became friends with Elie Wiesel, which led to years of Holocaust study. She has relied on Jewish friends to authenticate the Jewish experiences fictionalized in THE CRUSH OF WINE AND WAR. For the last 30 years, the family of an Austrian war resister has become a village of intimate friends.

Her past writing has been praised by bestselling authors, literary journals, and newspapers. In addition to writing her next book, she enjoys tennis, pickleball, and grandchildren.