A Child at Dawn

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Published by: Ave Maria Press
Release Date: January 1, 1995
Pages: 116
ISBN13: 978-0877933946


“I never said goodbye!” A mother’s cry haunts her life for years after the death of her infant son. Grief shadows her despite an otherwise happy married and family life. Her healing finally begins with remembrance—a technique she learns from a thoroughly unexpected encounter with Elie Wiesel, Jewish survivor of the Holocaust, guardian of six million memories. Wiesel entered Molly Fumia’s life at the very moment she was struggling with her “one small memory.” His belief in remembering the past in order to re-define the present and re-create the future became a model of survival and transformation for her. A Child at Dawn is a book about connections—between the past, present, and future; between love and grief; between the personal and the universal. And about the connection between the author’s pain and all suffering. Hers is a journey of faith that reaches out to mothers who have lost children, to persons struggling with grief and guilt, and to those afraid of memory. Here is a story about the mystery of memory which, when revealed, can be the most powerful healing grace of human experience. A Child at Dawn is a beautifully written and engrossingly told account that transcends one mother’s sorrow at the loss of a child to reach out and connect with all human suffering.

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"The power of this deeply moving and exceptionally well-told story lies in its ability to be a source of healing for anyone who suffers from unhealed hurts. Fumia leads the reader from the darkness of deep inner night to the brightness of hope-filled days."
Paula Ripple, author of Growing Strong in Broken Places

"Fumia beautifully describes how there are no statutes of limitation on grief. She shows us that we may find the instruments of healing in unexpected people and places. This powerfully moving book is not only about healing, it is healing."
Martha Manning, Clinical Psychologist, author of A Season of Mercy


Night. Welcome this unexpected blessing, like the creature that emerges so innocently from the darkness of the mother’s womb, the truth which promises a new human possibility.

What is there left for us to do? Sleep. Sleep now, for at dawn we must choose madness again, and continue the holy task of re-creation.